Although many times it seems so hard to find exactly what I'm looking for (beer budget, champagne taste), it is amazing what good buys can be out there. I did a search on my local craigslist for mid century items for $100 or less and this is what I found:
Three Lane MCM endtables for $100 - I'm liking the six sided one
Cute Breuer Cane Chair for $25
This seller has many Hey Woodite children's chairs in various sizes and colors for $25 each, mix and match colors or sizes! I'd put a style like this around my kitchen table, wonder if they made them in that size?
Good mid century vibe on this chair for $70
A pair of funky atomic lamps for $70, so cute, like the holes and wood bases!
Love the iron legs on this retro table for $30 - emailed the seller
This mid century coffee table has been refinished and is $50 - quite a deal!
Love the lamps, amazing tables, hell, love it all. I need to go Craigslist hunting now! Dayum!
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